There is something in the program for everyone, and everyone is welcome to come and swim with the Chronos Masters.
Our 2024 -25 season membership is now full but watch this website for further information as to when we may be accepting new registrations.
Registration Form
The Halifax Chronos Masters Swim Club (HCMSC) provides membership for novice swimmers and elite athletes, 18 years and older, with three different levels of training:
Fit-Tech (2000 +/- meters)
Middle Distance (2500 +/- meters)
Endurance (3000 +/- meters)
Each category provides for a different type of swimming experience for athletes with specific training goals.
HCMSC offers coached swimming for those who have the ability to complete a few hundred meters and who wish to increase their endurance. This club is for recreational and fitness swimmers, triathletes and competitive swimmers.
The club provides an opportunity to improve stroke mechanics, develop a fitness level that enhances daily living, or achieve competitive goals. We also cater to athletes who are presently swimming in competitions and want to increase their skill and performance through a team environment.
If you're interested in joining us then reach out at and we will arrange for you to join us in a trial swim practice where we can place you into one of the 3 levels noted above.
Note: this is not a learn to swim program. For a learn to swim program please contact one of the HRM pools directly.
You can join us for the Full Session (Fall + Spring), Fall Session or the Spring Session or monthly.
There are a large number of swimmers that move to the lakes in the summer while a number of others continue to swim in the pool for July and August.
HCMSC members are also eligible to attend any Centennial lane swim at no charge from September to June.
If you are interested in our club then join us for a trial workout (please email to arrange).
Many of our members are still actively competitive while others participate for fitness and the social appeal of our club.
You'll find that there are numerous informal post-workout socials throughout the year whether it be a quick bite and drink after a Thursday night practice or perhaps breakfast after weekend morning practices. We also have Christmas parties, year-end BBQs, etc.
Our swim times at Centennial pool for the 2023 - 24 seasoon:
Mon: 7:00 - 8:00 pm (6 lanes*)
Tues: 7:30-8:30 pm (6 lanes*)
Thurs: 7:30 - 8:30 pm (6 lanes*)
Sat: 8:30 - 9:30 am (6 lanes*)
Sun: 8:45-9:45 am (2 lanes*)
*lanes may change in response to demand
Fall Session:
Early October - Late January (with break for Christmas)
Winter Session:
Early February - Late June
Membership rates are listed in the registration form including payment instructions and reference to the Pool Ettiquette (linked above)